ChatBot with Javascript for WordPress

Introduction  – What are chatbots?

A chatbot is a program that communicates with you.

It is a layer on top of, or a gateway to, a service. Sometimes it is powered by machine learning (the chatbot gets smarter the more you interact with it). Or, more commonly, it is driven using intelligent rules (i.e. if the person says this, respond with that).

The near-future potential is quite apparent. No longer will consumers have to trawl through websites and search engines to find the information they need. Instead, they will be communicating with intelligent chatbots at every stage.

ChatBot can also be useful to collect more information and data in an anonymus way without using intrusive solution like cookies.


Let’s create our chatbot for our website that ask simple question to our users and store those data

<————-You can try the final version here ! 🙂

Step 1  : Html base

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
   <div id="output"></div>
   <div id="container">
    <input type="text" id="input" value=""><button id='snd' > Send </button>


Javascript Logic

	var questionNum = 0;			
	var redirecturl ='REDIRECT URL';
    var redirectAfter=false;
	var dataurl='STORE_URL';	
	var question = '<h1>Hi!??<br>What is your name?</h1>';
	document.getElementById("input").focus();			  // first question
	var data=new Array();

	var output = document.getElementById('output');				// store id="output" in output variable
	output.innerHTML = question;													// ouput first question

	function bot() { 
		var input = document.getElementById("input").value;

		if (questionNum == 0) {
		output.innerHTML = '<h1>hello ' + input + ' <br> I am a ChatBot !</h1>';// output response
		document.getElementById("input").value = "";   		// clear text box
		document.getElementById('input').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('snd').style.display = 'none';
		question = '<h1>how old are you???</h1>';			    	// load next question		
		setTimeout(timedQuestion, 2000);						// output next question after 2sec delay
		if (questionNum == 1) {
		output.innerHTML = '<h1>That means you were born in ' + (new Date().getFullYear() - input) + ' </h1>';
		document.getElementById("input").value = "";  
		document.getElementById('input').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('snd').style.display = 'none';
		question = '<h1>where are you from?</h1>';					      	
		setTimeout(timedQuestion, 2000);
		if (questionNum == 2) {
		output.innerHTML = '<h1>Nice! I ke ' + input + '</h1>';
		document.getElementById("input").value = "";  
		document.getElementById('input').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('snd').style.display = 'none';
		question = '<h1>You had a good day?</h1>';					      	
		setTimeout(timedQuestion, 2000);
		if (questionNum == 3) {
		output.innerHTML = '<h1> Oh ' + input + ' I understand</h1>';
		document.getElementById("input").value = "";  
		document.getElementById('input').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('snd').style.display = 'none';
		question = '<h1>What is your dream?</h1>';					      	
		setTimeout(timedQuestion, 2000);
		//simply copy and paste more questions!!

	function timedQuestion() {
		output.innerHTML = question;
		document.getElementById('input').style.display = 'block';
                document.getElementById('snd').style.display = 'block';
	function redirect()
		window.location= redirecturl;

	function sendData()
		var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
		xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
			if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
		}'GET', dataurl, true);

	//push enter key (using jquery), to run bot function.
	$(document).keypress(function(e) {
	  if (e.which == 13) {
		bot();																						// run bot function when enter key pressed
		questionNum++;																		// increase questionNum count by 1
	$('#snd').click(function(e) {
		bot();																						// run bot function when enter key pressed
		questionNum++;																		// increase questionNum count by 1

WordPress Integration:

  1. Create a new widget in the Theme Sidebar

  2. HTML structure and the javascript code

  3.  Pres Save and Enjoy!